Linux RMS Gateway Installation.

Copyright (c) 2004-2014 Hans-J. Barthen - DL5DI

Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Brian R. Eckert - W3SG

Revision: 180

2014-10-30 11:22:22Z

Author: eckertb

Valid HTML 4.0 Transitional

This file is free documentation.

System requirements:

  1.  Linux
  2.  AX25 kernel support (0.0.11 or greater is recommended)
  3.  ax25-tools (0.0.8 or greater is recommended)
  4.  libxml2 (the XML parser library coming from the Gnome project -- this does not require a Gnome installation to use, no GUI is involved in utilizing the parser library)
  5.   python 2.7.9 (minimum) with the python requests and ElementTree modules (needed to create and maintain sysop records in the winlink system, and do channel and version updates--the ACI functions will not work at all without this)
  6. You must have a proper, working ax25 installation with ax25d on your Linux machine before you build and install the gateway. These instructions do not detail all aspects of the AX.25 setup. Setup of AX.25 can be found in the HOWTO's for that package. However, there should be enough information in this guide to help you get what's needed for the AX.25 setup.

There is also a HOWTO guide from K4GBB that covers in detail the prelimary setup work through the gateway build an install that you may find very helpful to get up and running (thanks Charley!):

Optionally, you may want to install ax25-apps and ax25spyd, but these are not requirements of the gateway.

Also, you may want to install libxml2-utils as an option, as this will allow you to validate (at an XML structure level) the channels.xml file wherever changes are made.

Installation Overview:


If you have a working Linux RMS Gateway from beta version of 2.0.0 forward, upgrading requires only to do a "make", and if that is successful, "make install". Pay attention to the prompts for file replacements during the install, but the default answers should be safe.

As of version 2.2.0

a new attribute for a channel has been added called 'servicecode', which is part of the information sent by the check in (rmsgw_aci). The service code is a 16 character alpha-numeric string defined by the sysop. The default value is 'PUBLIC' if it is not defined. Please see rms-channels(5) for a little additional information on this new attribute.

Version 2.3.0

the Secure Gateway Logon has been implemented. That version required some configuration changes from 2.2.0 to get everything working. With Winlink disabling telnet logins for the gateways this information is really obsolete, but left here for reference.

If upgrading from 2.2.0, you will be required to update your channels.xml file based on the distributed sample, as the DTD has changed to add a password element for the channel definition. Thus it is necessary to not only add the DTD change, but also add the new element along with your gateway password. Enabling this new capability requires an update in the gateway.conf file as well by adding the line:


This change will switch the authentication to the new method. If you need to keep the old method briefly while waiting for your gateway authorization to be processed, you can set it as:


The old TELENET login is going to be disabled shortly after the 2.3.0 release, so if you are upgrading to 2.3.0 from 2.2.0 or earlier, get your station authorized immediately to avoid any interruption in your gateway operation.

If you are upgrading from the Linux Telpac Node, you will need to perform all the steps and setup requirements in the remainder of this document, since the Linux RMS Gateway is quite different from the Telpac system.

Version 2.4.0

is a little more involved in some respects. With the addition of the sysop maintenance utilties, writting in Python, as noted above, Python 2.7 and the requests and ElementTree modules are now required. Furthermore, the ACI (Automatic Check-In) requires this as well, since all all information updates for gateway versions and channel status must be done via Winlink webservice calls (and support for the UDP status updates has been turned off). The 2.4.0 install script also takes steps to cleanup obsolete configuration settings (in gateway.conf) and updates channels.xml automatically to remove the old DTD and a an XML schema for the channels.

Version 2.5.0

Version 2.5.0 adds automatic updating of the Sysop's Contact information that is stored in Sysop.xml.
The Python scripts have been updated to confirm to the WL2k web services APIs.

1. Check your python version:

python --version

The new scripts require python version 2.7.9 or higher.
Debian versions Jessie, Stretch & Sid are OK.

2. Check your /etc/rmsgw/sysop.xml file.
If you don't have a sysop.xml file then read rmsgw/admin/ for instructions for creating the sysop file.

The & scripts currently do not work with the new Winlink Web Services
because the SysopGet web service is not enabled for our key.
This may change in the future. If you do not have a sysop.xml file you should use
BEFORE you do the update.

If your system passed the python version test and you have a current sysop.xml file you may upgrade with the following commands.

As root

git clone
cd rmsgw/admin

To verify that the update is working

As root run the test script,, located in the admin directory

Search the log file for any errors.
The log file grabs some of the rms.debug log file. You are only concerned with errors found after you ran the script.

grep -i error /root/tmp/debuglog.txt

Go to,
look at the Winlink Packet RMS Map/RMS List/Gateway Versions sections and Search for your call sign.

For more information read the file in directory rmsgw/admin



Newer Linux distributions may have legacy pty support turned off or disabled by default. As of mid-year 2009, AX.25 installations will likely need the legacy pty's to work properly. In some cases, adding a kernel parameter at boot-time is all that is needed (the following tells the kernel to configure 32 legacy pty's at boot):


You should choose a number that is suitable for your needs.

Installation and Configuration:


As root, edit /etc/syslog.conf ('man syslog.conf' for more info) to add the necessary "selectors" for the gateway logging. The following is a typical setup, but you can adjust to meet your own needs: /var/log/rms

local0.debug /var/log/rms.debug

#local0.debug /dev/null

As root, edit /etc/syslog.conf ('man syslog.conf' for more info) to add the necessary "selectors" for the gateway logging. The following is a typical setup, but you can adjust to meet your own needs: /var/log/rms local0.debug /var/log/rms.debug #local0.debug /dev/null

The above example assumes that local0 is the facility to be used, but again, you can adjust according to your own needs. Also, the gateway configuration file must match with the facility you have chosen, or you will likely see no logging.

In this setup, /var/log/rms receives all messages of priority 'info' and higher. /var/log/rms.debug receives all messages of priority 'debug' and higher. This means that there is duplication of many messages between the two files, but if you want a separate log for debugging output, this will provide a single file for analysis. You can replace the file for debug output with /dev/null, as the commented out line shows, which will effectively suppress any debugging messages generated by the gateway.

Since the priority can be controlled via other means (through configuration and command line options), an acceptable syslog entry can simply be:

local0.debug /var/log/rms

Then the level of logging is completely controllable using gateway configuration methods. See the information on gateway.conf and rmsgw options below (also, check the supplied man pages rms-config(5) and rmsgw(1) to understand how logging is controlled when the gateway runs.

After editing syslog.conf, it will be necessary to restart syslogd with a command similar to:

/etc/init.d/sysklogd restart

Gateway User and Group

The installation steps that follow assume that there is a user and group named 'rmsgw'. If the user and group have not previously been created, that must be done by executing the following commands as root (more advance users with a more sophisticated user and group management process should create the new user and group according to their process--the gateway has no special requirements here):

/usr/sbin/useradd -c 'Linux RMS Gateway' -d /etc/rmsgw -s /bin/false rmsgw

The above command will add a new user and group named rmsgw; the rmsgw user will have a home directory of /etc/rmsgw and use /bin/false as the login shell (have the login shell as /bin/false prevents the user from being able to actually login, avoiding any potiential for the rmsgw user being used by someone to gain access to your system via a login as rmsgw). Change the shell if desired, but make sure to set password or explicitly display logins for that user (see passwd(1) for information on managing that).


Previous versions of the Linux RMS Gateway (Beta 1 series) required the editing of before compiling the gateway.

You have the option to change the owner and group to be used for installation by setting 'INSTUSR' and 'INSTGRP' in, but the defaults should be fine for most installations.

NOTICE: We DO NOT recommend setting INSTUSR and INSTGRP to root, as there is nothing special the gateway does that requires root access. Installing and running the gateway as root opens a risk of privilege escalation if there is some sort of error in the code (or simply if things go really wrong, having enough access to do damage to something it otherwise would not have access to).

Once any configuration adjustments are made (usually unnecessary), you can build the gateway by simply running 'make'.

Note, it is normal to see messages from make like: "... depend: No such file or directory" when you first compile the system, or on a new compile after doing a 'make clobber'.

Basic Installation

If you have successfully compiled the gateway using 'make' as described above, you can do the basic file installation by running 'make install' as root from the top level directory of the gateway source tree (what is known as TOPDIR in the make configuration).

The installation script will run and install all necessary files and directories for the gateway, however the necessary AX.25 configuration is not done automatically, nor is the necessary gateway configuration done. The installation will install initial configuration files, but if it detects that those files already exist, you will be prompted before over writing those files; if you do choose to replace those files, they will be backed up before being replaced.

Gateway Configuration - gateway.conf

After the compiled system has been installed with 'make install', you will need to edit the base configuration file, /etc/rmsgw/gateway.conf to the specifics of your station and gateway needs.

You MUST set GWCALL to your registered callsign and SSID; e.g.: GWCALL=W3SG-10
The value of GWCALL needs to be the callsign AND SSID (as registered in the Winlink network).

You MUST set GRIDSQUARE to your Maidenhead Gridsquare; e.g.: GRIDSQUARE=FN20dt

LOGFACILITY must match the facility you chose for you syslog.conf settings; the default is LOCAL0. The facility name can be upper or lower case.

LOGMASK should be set to the desired priority for the level of messages to be logged via syslog. The default of 'INFO' is probably fine for most installations. The possible values, in order for highest to lowest priority are:
emerg, alert, crit, err, warning, notice, info, and debug.

In the current version of the gateway, setting a priority of 'emerg' effectively turns off logging, although if no logging whatsoever was desired, using /dev/null as the log file in syslog.conf would be better.

CHANNELFILE must be set to the location of your channels.xml file, which contains all the information about the gateway's channel registrations and status updating. In addition, you must be sure to configure the correct password for your gateway (for secure login) in each channel definition

BANNERFILE is set to the location of the the gateway's greeting banner text. The contents of that file are sent when a client connects to your gateway. This file must be customized as well (see below).

PYTHON is the path the python executable. This may need to be adjusted for systems that use a manually compiled and installed python (e.g., in order to satisfy the python 2.7 requirement).

There are two optional configration values (which will not appear auto- matically in gateway.conf):

These values point to a file that defines additional environment variables for the gateway execution environment. RMSGWENV sets the name of the environment file to be used by 'rmsgw' when it runs (on incoming connections), and RMSGWACIENV sets the name of the environment file to be used by 'rmsgw_aci' when it runs. These variables may point to the exact same file. The reason for two different variable to give more flexibility to the configuration is needed. The normal case is that when extra environment variable are needed, there will be one file shared by both programs (read on for why you might need this file).

For example:


With the 2.4.0 release of the gateway, the primary use of this new environment setting capability is to set environment variables needed for python. In situations where python is installed manually, it will be necessary to setup the environment for python so that when 'rmsgw_aci' runs, the python scripts that make the webservice calls will have the correct modules (please see above concerning the setting of the PYTHON variable in gateway.conf). In most instances, where python was manually installed, the environment file will set one both of PYTHONPATH and PYTHONHOME.

Following from the example above, gw.env might contain:


See the python documentation on its environment variables for more info on what you might want to set.

NOTICE: the software is *very* picky about the format of these environment settings; there must be NO SPACES around the '=' for any setting. The code will quietly ignore most anything it cannot understand in these files. Also, if there is an environment file configured, but the file does not actually exist, it will be silently skipped.

Gateway Configuration - channels

Channel definition for the gateway is done using an XML file, /etc/rmsgw/channels.xml and must be configured with the appropriate channel information for your registered gateway. See the rms-channels(5) manpage for specifics about the file.

A template channels.xml file is found in the etc directory of the Linux RMS Gateway distribution.

The file supports definition of more than one channel, and its proper setup is very key to having a properly functioning gateway.

If you installed libxml2-utils, you can verify your edits of channels.xml using the command:

xmllint --valid /etc/rmsgw/channels.xml

Xmllint will parse the file and identify any problems it has with the structure of the file. If you see errors, please correct them and re-run xmllint. If you are unfamiliar with XML, the error messages may be difficult to understand. If you are having trouble with your channels.xml, please seek assistance via the LinuxRMS Yahoo! group.

As a general introduction to the channels.xml file, here is what you will need to know.

The first line of the file is simply an XML declaration:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?s> and is a standard thing in XML files.
You should not change this line.

The next section of the file identifies the XML schema describling channels.xml (the schema itself is an XML file, and found in channels.xsd).

Following the DTD is the beginning of the actual channel definition structure, which has a single element (called a root element), <rmschannels>, which is the "container" element for all channel definitions. <rmschannels> contains one of more <channel> container elements. If you study the distributed channels.xml file, its structure and data should be clear.

Please see the rms-channels(5) man page for details of the element structure, attributes, and acceptable values for attributes and element data.

Gateway Configuration - banner

You must edit the /etc/rmsgw/banner file to customize it for your location.
As an example, the W3SG-10 gateway banner file contains:

Welcome to the W3SG Winlink 2000 RMS Gateway. Lehighton, PA

[blank line]

AX.25 Configuration

The Linux RMS Gateway is started by ax25d like all other programs in ax25-tools.

The setup for a simple gateway is itself very simple and straight forward. The W3SG-10 configuration demonstrates the normal, single channel setup for the gateway. If you use this as a base, be sure to change all references to W3SG to the appropriate call sign for your gateway. The following is what is found in /etc/ax25/ax25d.conf:

 [W3SG-10 VIA radio]
NOCALL * * * * * * L
N0CALL * * * * * * L
default * * * * * * - rmsgw /usr/local/bin/rmsgw rmsgw
-l debug -P %d %U

The '[W3SG-10 VIA radio]' identifies the local callsign and SSID and the port which activates the matching actions following (the port and call/SSID are defined in /etc/ax25/axports).

The NOCALL and N0CALL entries are there to deny misconfigured TNCs.

The 'default' entry will fire for all other connections to W3SG-10 on the 'radio' port. The simple explanation is the the program /usr/local/bin/rmsgw (the gateway program) will be run as user 'rmsgw' with a logmask of debug, and the port and user call will be passed as arguments to the gateway.

Above the 'default' entry, you can add calls that you wish to deny access to the gateway, but creating lines just like N0CALL, but with the call you wish to deny. E.g., to deny W3SG, you would add a line before the default like:

W3SG * * * * * * L

It is also possible to restrict use of the gateway to specific calls by creating entries just like the default, but with the callsign instead of default. E.g., to allow W3SG to use the gateway, you would use a line like:

W3SG * * * * * * - rmsgw /usr/local/bin/rmsgw rmsgw -l debug -P %d %U
and then end the list of entries with a default like:

default * * * * * * L

Please see ax25d(1) and ax25d.conf(5) for more information.

Gateway Configuration - "Auto Check-in"

The gateway provides an "automatic check-in" feature. The rmsgw_aci program can be run twice an hour from the 'rmsgw' user's crontab (see the rmsgw_aci(1) manpage for additional info).

The auto check-in sends a channel status update and a gateway version update to the winlink system. These updates are necessary to keep the gateway channel and software status fresh. The auto check-in will update this information as required by the winlink system. If rmsgw_aci is not run, your gateway will not appear on the maps, and may otherwise become "delisted" for lack of reporting in.

The crontab can be edited by executing the following command as root:

crontab -e -u rmsgw

You will need to add an entry like:

19,49 * * * * /usr/local/bin/rmsgw_aci >/dev/null 2>&1

This tells cron to run the auto check-in on the 19th and 49th minute of each hour. You should choose a random pair of minutes, 30 minutes apart (and between 0-59) for your installation so that not every Linux RMS Gateway does its automatic check-in at the same times every hour.

If you find that cron entries do not run for the rmsgw, check the main system log or auth.log for complaints about the account being expired. If that occurs, as root, run the following command to make the password never expire for the account (while leaving it locked and not able to be used for logins):
chage -E-1 rmsgw

Sysop Record

The sysop record programs are found in /etc/rmsgw after the install is run.

The general steps to getting your sysop record handled after everything is installed are:

  1. Run
    * A 'new-sysop.xml' file will be created in the current directory (it will get the current sysop data from the winlink system and write the correct xml for locally maintaining it)
    * if you don't have a sysop record, see mksysop(8) for further instructions on getting it setup initially
  2. Check 'new-sysop.xml' to ensure the information is correct and complete (make any edits that might be necessary)
  3. cp new-sysop.xml /etc/rmsgw/sysop.xml
  4. Run
    * The sysop record in the winlink system will be updated with the values stored in /etc/rmsgw/sysop.xml
  5. Run (the returned data should match whatever you have stored in your /etc/rmsgw/sysop.xml file)

Any time you wish to update your sysop record, update /etc/rmsgw/sysop.xml and then run

Getting Help

Please do not contact the Winlink2000 development team if you are having problems with the software. The Linux RMS Gateway is not developed or supported by them, rather it is largely the work of Hans-J. Barthen, DL5DI, and Brian R. Eckert, W3SG. We are producing this software because of our own desire to use Linux with Winlink2000, and are making it available to others who share that desire. For us, this is fun, and we also want to share. To get assistance, please join the Yahoo! group 'LinuxRMS' at and post your questions or comments there.

We appreciate your support of this effort and welcome your constructive feedback, experience, and defect (bug) reports. Flames and the like will be re-directed to /dev/null :-) .

When seeking assistance for a problem in the gateway operation, including a log trace at the debug level would be most appreciated if it is available. This will help us to identify the area in the program that relates to the problem.

73 de Hans, DL5DI

73 de Brian, W3SG